Hoʻokūkū Hīmeni
E kala mai! We don't have data for that Song Contest.

Created for students and alumni of Kamehameha Schools Kapālama around the world, Hoʻokūkū Hīmeni brings together years of data, information, and media to help the Kamehameha ʻohana relive their favorite Song Contest memories.

This unofficial site is a community project created by Bryson McFeeley, Class of 2011. It is not affiliated with or endorsed by Kamehameha Schools.

Our information comes from a variety of official and unofficial sources. We strive to be as comprehensive and accurate as possible, but we can't guarantee that everything is correct. If you can share any details that we're missing, or if you spot something wrong with our information, we'd be happy to hear from you!


Email me using the link above with any comments, suggestions, contributions, or questions; or if your name is listed anywhere on this website and you wish to have it removed.


This site is dedicated to the Kamehameha Kapālama Song Contest. Our information going back to 1970 is fairly comprehensive. Before 1970, our information is very limited, but we're working to improve this.

We don't cover Kamehameha Maui's ʻAha Mele, and we don't currently provide information for older Song Contest features that no longer exist, such as the junior division competition and prize songs.


All videos on this site are publicly available on YouTube or Vimeo and are embedded or linked here for convenient viewing. Most videos are uploaded by community members and are not under our control, so they could be deleted or made private without notice. For inquiries about missing videos, you can email me or try contacting the Kamehameha Schools Archives for advice.

University of Hawaiʻi affiliates have access to a streaming archive of full Song Contest broadcasts from 1984 to 1995. A UH login is required. Non-UH affiliates should refer to the library's FAQ for possible access; it may be possible to access the videos on public computers in Hamilton Library.


For a list of sources consulted in compiling information on this site, please see the Sources page.


The header image features my class, the Class of 2011, standing ready to perform our junior coed song, He Wahine Holo Lio.