Hoʻokūkū Hīmeni
Class Co-ed Men Women
Seniors Class of 1985
Juniors Class of 1986
Sophomores Class of 1987
Freshmen Class of 1988 Freshmen do not compete. Freshmen do not compete.
About the Contest
  • March 22, 1985
  • 65th* Annual Song Contest
  • Contest Theme
    Nā Mele No Nā Kāne A Me Nā Wāhine
Award Winner
Men Seniors
Women Seniors
Co-ed Seniors
Director Kalua Leong (Senior Women)

* From at least the 1960s to 2006, Song Contest numbering was off by 2 years. The 1985 Contest was billed as the "63rd Annual", but because the first Song Contest was held in 1921, it should have been the 65th. The numbering was eventually corrected in 2007, and we have retroactively applied these corrections to past contests.


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Competition Order

The men's competition was held first, followed by the women's, and then the co-ed.

Order Men Women Co-ed
1st Seniors Seniors Sophomores
2nd Sophomores Juniors Juniors
3rd Juniors Sophomores Seniors
4th Freshmen